All Resources
See below for a list of all of the content complied on Methane Resources. This includes guides and reports for each sector, as well as data and organizations that can support methane abatement. We recommend beginning with the Methane Primer, linked below.
Local Governments
Technical Assistance from CCAC
The UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition helps governments of all levels develop impactful and cost-effective methane solutions. Jurisdictions can benefit from methane-focused “hubs” for waste, agriculture, and fossil fuels.
The Lowering Organic Waste (LOW) initiative works with more than 40 subnational jurisdictions and aims to unlock over $10 billion for organic waste programs. It is led by the US Department of State with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies.
The Under2 Coalition
With more than 170 member jurisdictions, the Under2 Coalition is the world’s largest collection of cities and states working toward net zero emissions. With expertise from the Climate Group, this coalition works to help member governments deploy methane solutions across sectors.
C40 represents more than 100 mayors worldwide and aims to help major cities manage organic waste. They host the Pathway to Zero Waste program, through which 13 cities have pledged to reduce waste disposal emissions 30 percent by 2030.
Global Methane Hub
The Global Methane Hub is the primary conduit for philanthropic methane funding worldwide. They aim to deliver $1 billion in methane funding by 2030, including through programs supporting governments at all levels.
The Subnational Climate Action Leaders’ Exchange supports cities and states in regions in the development of ambitious climate roadmaps, with an emphasis on methane.
States & Provinces
SMAC Methane
The Subnational Methane Action Coalition (SMAC) brings together states and provinces to collaborate on methane emissions monitoring and policy development. This coalition is free to join, provides access to a range of experts, and helps governments gain global recognition for their methane efforts.
Technical Assistance from CCAC
The UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition helps governments of all levels develop impactful and cost-effective methane solutions. Jurisdictions can benefit from methane-focused “hubs” for waste, agriculture, and fossil fuels.
The Under2 Coalition
With more than 170 member jurisdictions, the Under2 Coalition is the world’s largest collection of cities and states working toward net zero emissions. They work to help governments deploy methane solutions across sectors.
Global Methane Hub
The Global Methane Hub is the primary conduit for philanthropic methane funding worldwide. They aim to deliver $1 billion in methane funding by 2030, including through programs supporting governments at all levels.
National Governments
Technical Assistance from CCAC
The UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition “stands ready to meet one-on-one with countries to discuss priorities and needs and help develop the most efficient methane mitigation strategies.” Jurisdictions can benefit from methane-focused “hubs” for waste, agriculture, and fossil fuels.
The UN-backed International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) partners with countries and companies to spot and fix large methane leaks in the oil and gas industry.
Offered by CCAC, the Methane Roadmap Action Program (M-RAP) helps countries develop and implement national methane roadmaps. All ODA-eligible Global Methane Pledge countries are invited to request funding support through this initiative.
Global Methane Hub
The Global Methane Hub is the primary conduit for philanthropic methane funding worldwide. They aim to deliver $1 billion in methane funding by 2030, including through programs supporting governments at all levels.
Food and Agricultural Methane Strategy Report
This report from the Global Climate and Health Alliance examines methane sources in food systems, the benefits of methane action for human health, and methane strategies for every level of government.
Source-selective and Emission-adjusted GHG CalculaTOR (SECTOR)
This spreadsheet-based tool allows users to estimate rice emissions based on a series of factors.
Creating a Sustainable Food Future
This report from the World Resources Institute provides an accessible and comprehensive inventory of sustainable agricultural strategies, including those designed to lower cattle and rice methane production.
WRI Wetting and Drying Report
This World Resources Institute report identifies water management techniques for rice methane emissions reductions, outlines barriers to their adoption, and makes concrete recommendations to promote their widespread use.
EPA Manure Methane Strategy Comparison
This US EPA webpage compares several manure management strategies, including anaerobic digestion, daily spread, pasture-based management, composting, solid storage, and others.
Global Methane Initiative Anaerobic Digestion Primer
This short report gives examples of jurisdictions that have employed anaerobic digesters to address manure methane emissions.
Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM-i)
This online tool lets users estimate livestock emissions based on a series of factors, including species, feed, and country.
Methane Emission Measurement and Monitoring Methods
In this book chapter, methane measuring techniques from several sectors are discussed, including bottom-up estimation for enteric and manure emissions.
Oil & Gas
IEA Roadmap
This resource is the essential starting point for oil and gas methane policy. It guides policymakers through a step-by-step process determining what methane regulations are right for their jurisdictions. A shortened web version is available here.
Climate TRACE
This free-to-use portal shows methane emissions maps worldwide. Climate TRACE data comes from satellites and bottom-up estimation tools.
OGMP 2.0
“The Oil & Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP 2.0) is the flagship oil and gas reporting and mitigation program of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). It is the only comprehensive, measurement-based international reporting framework for the sector.”
Methane intensity varies widely across the oil and gas sector. RMI’s free-to-use OCI+ mapping and data tool helps businesses and policymakers “assess and track emissions to see how different oils and gases impact climate change.”
World Bank Flaring & Venting Policy Review
This report details flaring and venting regulations across 21 oil and gas producing states and countries, from Colorado to Algeria.
World Bank Financing Report
This study sets out a framework for policymakers to assess opportunities to reduce flaring. It identifies barriers to investment and provides financial modeling for methane abatement.
Flaring Toolkit
The Methane Flaring Toolkit is an interactive platform that was developed by industry to provide “practical advice and information on the effective measurement and monitoring of methane emissions from gas flares in the oil and gas industry.”
Venting and Flaring Regulations Tracker
Assembled by the World Bank Group, this detailed resource provides profiles of key flaring and venting regulations in countries worldwide.
'Acting Rapidly to Deploy Readily Available Methane Mitigation Measures by Sector Can Immediately Slow Global Warming'
This academic paper discusses the overall climate benefits of methane abatement and finds that available oil and gas methane abatement solutions “dominate” the avoided warming potential from economically feasible actions.
Methane Guiding Principles
This set of 10 guides is designed to improve performance in methane emissions management across the natural gas supply chain. Each provides a summary of important strategies and technologies.
Investor Guide to Oil & Gas Methane Risk
Released by the Environmental Defense Fund, this report highlights the “financial, regulatory, and reputational” risks associated with oil and gas methane emissions, along with the financial benefits of improved methane management.
Global Waste Playbook
This guide from RMI is designed to “serve as a starting point for countries to further customize mitigation solutions to reflect their unique local context.” It establishes four municipal solid waste management archetypes across the globe and offers strategies for each.
WasteMAP Data Portal
WasteMAP hosts open waste data from around the world to identify sources, showcase mitigation options, and help policymakers at all levels.
CCAC Waste Sector Solutions Page
This webpage discusses the far-reaching efforts of the UNEP-convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition. It profiles the global waste industry and discusses direct support offered to governments.
Waste Sector Methane Monitoring and Measurement Guide
Authored by experts at the Clean Air Task Force, this webpage provides an accessible overview of the landfill methane monitoring and mitigation process.
Leveraging New Monitoring Technologies
This guide from RMI offers US-focused emissions strategies based on site-specific, technological, and operational conditions. It also contains case studies and discusses the community and economic benefits of reducing methane emissions.
Basic Information about Landfill Gas
This US EPA webpage provides an overview of methods for collecting and using landfill gas.
Mitigating Waste Methane
This report from the Global Climate and Health Alliance examines “the sources of methane emissions from waste and wastewater, the associated human health benefits of methane reduction solutions, and solutions to reduce methane at the international, national, and local levels.”
Downstream Management Of Organic Waste
This report details organic waste management solutions to reduce landfilling rates. It includes case studies of practices from areas of the US with differing sizes, customers, local market conditions, etc.
Financing Landfill Gas Projects in Developing Countries
This World Bank report outlines basic financing options for landfill gas capture projects in developing countries, with case studies to outline site-specific factors that determine technical and financial viability.
International Best Practices Guide for Landfill Gas Energy Projects
This report describes the steps involved in implementing landfill gas capture projects, including identifying project options and different funding mechanisms and Instruments. The appendix includes case studies of successful landfill gas capture projects.
Bans & Beyond
This toolkit analyzes the structure and implementation of organic waste bans and presents examples from states and cities with existing or proposed waste bans.
Climate TRACE
This comprehensive, free-to-use portal shows methane emissions maps worldwide. Climate TRACE data comes from an array of satellites and bottom-up estimation tools.
Carbon Mapper
Carbon Mapper is a partnership between NASA, the State of California, and others that employs satellites and aircraft to track super-emitters across the globe.
Employing sensors aboard the International Space Station, the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) program maintains a map of “high-confidence,” research-grade methane plumes from point source emitters.