Data Tools

There are numerous data tools that can enable jurisdictions track and reduce methane emissions. For most regions, data is already freely available.

With improvements in modeling and the expansion of methane-focused satellite programs, like Carbon Mapper and MethaneSAT, methane transparency is rapidly improving. This brings new opportunities for methane action.

  • Climate TRACE

    This comprehensive, free-to-use portal shows methane emissions maps worldwide. Climate TRACE data comes from an array of satellites and bottom-up estimation tools.

  • Carbon Mapper

    Carbon Mapper is a partnership between NASA, the State of California, and others that employs satellites and aircraft to track super-emitters across the globe.


    Employing sensors aboard the International Space Station, the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) program maintains a map of “high-confidence,” research-grade methane plumes from point source emitters.